Player Registration
Standard registrations
In order to play, it is a requirement that all players are registered and are full financial members of the club. Registration fee options are listed below:
Senior Men’s $500
Senior Women’s $300
Under 19’s $400
Thirds/Clubbies $250
School $60 (if you are still at school please select this option)
How to register
If you played for Old Brighton in a previous season you must re-register for the current season.
If your email is not recognised, please contact Matt Allen and he will fix it for you before you proceed any further – DO NOT try to register as a new player.
Click on the link below
Enter your email address.
Check your email and follow the instructions to set new password
Complete the application for registration by following the prompts
If you have any queries about registration or what payment to make please contact Matt Allen at
Your subs contribute to the costs associated with a range of important benefits, including VAFA affiliation fees, accredited coaches, medical and physio support, strength and conditioning, football equipment, playing uniforms, medical supplies, umpire fees and more.
Sponsored registrations
A player or family sponsorship is an incredible way n individual or company can show their support for you and the club.
As a player, if you wish to secure sponsorship to have your registrations fee covered, you can choose from the two options below:
Player sponsorship $850 (includes registration of one player)
Family sponsorship $750 (includes registration of one player)
How to register
Secure a sponsorship and pay your registration fees by clicking the ’Learn more’ button below under the relevant sponsorship.
Register via the online portal by clicking the ‘Register now’ button and simply select the Player / family sponsorship option when you complete the form.
You will not be allowed to play until both steps are complete.
Player Insurance
The Old Brighton Grammarians Football Club has recently reviewed the player personal accident insurance options as part of a player welfare review.
The Current level of player personal accident insurance provided by via the VAFA to each player as part of the club’s VAFA affiliation fee is in the Bronze category and as follows:
Capital Benefits - $200,000 death and lump sum payments,
Paraplegia and quadriplegia - $1,000,000 maximum
Non-Medicare Medical Benefits
90% reimbursement, $3,500 maximum per claim, $50 excess per claim
You can claim 90% reimbursement on your out of pocket expenses for –
Ambulance transport
Private hospital accommodation
$50 excess is payable prior to claiming
See more information on the VAFA insurer's website
Keep your original receipts to provide to the insurer -take copies for your own records
Claims need to be made within 270 days of injury and can be completed online or using the personal injury claim form
A good example is a physiotherapy session. Claim from any private health insurance extras first, pay the balance to the physio clinic and then claim whatever you are out of pocket from the VAFA insurer to receive 90% back.
When your extras total allowance for physiotherapy has been used up over several sessions, you can then claim 90% of the cost of ongoing treatment from the VAFA insurer up to $3,500 total.
Request invoices and receipts on email from the physiotherapy clinic or other non-Medicare provider so that these can easily be forwarded to the VAFA insurer.
The club continues to strongly recommend that each individual player takes out top level private health insurance.
Players under the age of 25 who are not studying full time may not be adequately covered under their parents’ private health insurance policy.
Please ask the policy holder to check your level of cover as there may be the option to upgrade the policy so you are included in the family policy regardless of employment/study status- for an additional fee.
It is important to note that any loss of income as the result of an injury is not covered by any insurance arranged by the OBGFC or via the VAFA’s insurance.
Alcohol Policy
Please respect the extended drinking time. This privilege has been granted by the VAFA as a trial.
Clubs are being monitored and will lose the privilege moving forward along with a hefty fine if they do not comply.
Any person seen misbehaving or intoxicated will be asked to leave by the committee and bar personal. Keep your buddy in check.
No drinking on the balcony permitted.
The above is nonnegotiable and will be enforced. Thank you for your assistance.
Tom Clarke
OBGFC President
Code of Conduct
Sexual Harassment Policy
The Old Brighton Grammarians Football Club (“the Club”) aims to provide young males and females with the opportunity to play an enjoyable and competitive game Australian Rules Football in a safe environment.
Sexual harassment is unlawful. The Club will not tolerate sexual harassment in any form. Every player, official,volunteer, member or supporter of the Club has a responsibility to ensure sexual harassment does not occur. Anyone found to have sexually harassed another person will be subject to disciplinary action that may include an apology, counselling, transfer of duties, suspension or expulsion from the Club.
Reports of sexual harassment will be treated promptly, seriously and confidentially. Complainants have the right to determine how a complaint will be treated. They also have the right to have a supporter or representative chosen by them involved in the process and the option to stop the process at anytime.
The alleged harasser also has the right to have a supporter or representative chosen by them present when he/she responds to the allegations made. No person will be treated unfairly as a result of making a complaint of sexual harassment. Immediate disciplinary action will be taken against anyone who victimises or retaliates against someone who has made a complaint of sexual harassment.
The Club will afford natural justice to any person involved in a dispute. Definition of Sexual Harassment Sexual harassment in unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature which makes a person feel offended, humiliated or intimidated. Sexual harassment can involve one or more incidents and actions constituting harassment may be physical, verbal or non-verbal as well as situations which create an environment which is hostile, intermediatory or humiliating for the recipient. Examples of conduct or behaviour which constitute sexual harassment include, but are not limited to:
Physical conduct:
” unwelcome physical contact including patting, pinching, stroking, kissing, hugging, fondling or inappropriate touching;
” the use of threats or rewards to solicit sexual favours;
” physical violence, including sexual assault.
Verbal conduct:
” unwelcome sexual advance;
” a request for sexual favours;
” sexual comments, stories or jokes;
” comments on a person’s appearance, age, private life etc.;
” repeated and unwanted social invitations for dates;
” insults based on the sex of the person;
” condescending or paternalistic remarks;
” sending sexually explicit messages or images (by phone, email or social media).
Non-verbal conduct:
” display of sexually explicit or suggestive material;
” sexually suggestive gestures;
” whistling;
” leering.
These examples are not exhaustive.
All sexual harassment is prohibited whether it takes place at the Club House or ground or outside at other grounds or at social events.
Behaviour that is based on mutual attraction, friendship and respect is not sexual harassment.
Sexual Harassment Contacts
The Club has nominated the following persons as their “sexual Harassment Contacts”
Leanne Sargent: 0418 454 740
John McKell: 0411 474 341
A Complainant may wish to first raise the complaint in confidence with a third party. With the consent of the Complainant such person may bring the matter to the attention of one or both of the nominated Sexual Harassment Contacts.
(Victims of sexual harassment may want to resolve the matter in different ways. Some maybe happy with an informal resolution and for the matter to stop, others may want more formal measures.)
A player, official, volunteer, member or supporter who believes they have been harassed (the
complainant) should:
* if comfortable to do so, inform the alleged harasser the behaviour is offensive unwelcome, against the Club’s policy and should stop;
” make a note of the date, time location, nature of, and participants in the incident(s);
” if not comfortable to confront the alleged harasser or if unwelcome behaviour continues, report to the nominated “Sexual Harassment Contact”.
When a complaint is received the “sexual harassment contact” will:
” immediately record the dates, times and facts of the incident(s);
” ascertain the views of the complainant as to what outcomes he/she wants;
” ensure that the complainant understands the Club’s procedures for dealing with the complaint;
” discuss and agree next steps, either informal or formal complaint, on the understanding that choosing to resolve the matter informally does not preclude the complainant from
persuing a formal complaint, if he/she is not satisfied with the outcome;
” keep a confidential record of all discussions;
” respect the choice of the complainant.
Informal Complaints Mechanism
If the complainant wishes to deal with the matter informally, the Sexual Harassment Contact will:
” give an opportunity to the alleged harasser to respond to the complaint;
” ensure that the alleged harasser understands the complaints mechanism;
” facilitates discussion between both parties to achieve an informal resolution which is acceptable to the complainant;
” ensure that a confidential record is kept of what happens;
” follow up after the outcome of the complaints mechanism to ensure that the behaviour has stopped;
” ensure that the above is dealt with expeditiously.
Formal Complaints Mechanism
If the Complainant wishes to make a formal complainant or if the informal complaint mechanism has not led to a satisfactory outcome for the complainant, the formal complaint mechanism should be used to resolve the matter.
The Sexual Harassment Contact carrying out the investigation will:
” interview the complainant and the alleged harasser separately;
” interview other relevant third parties separately;
” decide whether or not the incident(s) of sexual harassment took place;
” produce a report detailing the investigation, findings and any recommendation;
” if the harassment took place, decide what the appropriate remedy for the Complainant is;
” follow up to ensure the recommendations are implemented, that the behaviour has stopped and that the Complainant is satisfied with the outcome;
” if it cannot be determined that the harassment took place he/she may still make recommendations to ensure proper outcome;
” keep a record of all actions taken;
” ensure that all records concerning the matters are kept confidential;
” ensure the matter is dealt with expeditiously.
The findings as to whether sexual harassment has occurred will be determined on the basis of the evidence and in the balance of probabilities.
On the basis of the findings, possible outcomes of the investigations may include, but will not be limited to, any combination of the following:
” counselling;
” disciplinary action against the harasser e.g.; demotion, suspension, expulsion;
” official warning;
” formal apologies and undertaking that the behaviour will cease;
” conciliation/mediation.
On completion of the investigation, all parties will be informed about the investigators findings and the outcome of the investigation.
Outcomes will depend upon factors such as:
” the severity and frequency of the harassment;
” the weight of evidence;
” the wishes of the person who was harassed;
” whether the harasser could have been expected to know that such behaviour was a breach of policy;
” the level of contrition;
” whether there have been any prior incidents or warnings.
Criminal Behaviour
Some forms of severe sexual harassment (e.g. sexual assault, stalking, indecent exposure, physical molestation, obscene phone calls) may constitute criminal conduct.
While the Club is committed to treat most sexual harassment complaints at a Club level as far as practical, this type of conduct may not be suited to internal resolution. Such complaints should be treated by the criminal justice system. Any victim of such action should be advised of the option of police support or intervention. It is not
the obligation or duty of the Club to report such matters to the police on behalf of the complainant.
Return to Club Protocol
The Old Brighton Grammarians Football Club (OBGFC) is committed to practising safe, responsible conduct and adherence to strict protocols to help minimise the risk associated with COVID-19.
Each person attending the club or oval must strictly adhere to these.
Do not attend the club if you have any cold/flu symptoms or have been in contact with anyone who is sick. If you have any cold/flu symptoms and have been in contact with people from OBGFC, please notify the club.
Do not share any personal items with any other person before or during my attendance at the club.
At all times comply with the 1.5m social distancing requirements from all other person’s players and coaches.
Do not spit or clear nasal passages whilst at the club or oval.
Do not access the changerooms or pavilion unless granted person by the President, or notified by the club that the pavilion is accessible to all OBGFC supporters
Demonstrate common sense and take responsibility to act in a way that is consistent with the public health benefits of the wider community, teammates and coaches.
Follow the reasonable directions of the coaches and/or OBGFC Covid-19 safety officer relating to the safe and responsible behaviour.
Do not participate in any conduct which is inconsistent with the above until such time that OBGFC advises of any changes to this policy which will be made on the advice and recommendation of appropriate authorities (e.g. the Federal and Victorian Government, AFL Victoria).
AFL Community Guidelines
Please see below guidelines from the AFL on how to return to community football in a COVID-19 environment.
For up to date community information from the AFL, click here.